Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Leatherman MUT: Only the greatest tool ever in existance

I really don't need to say anything more about this tool.  It is simply the greatest multi-tool ever invented in the history of everything.  If I hadn't already proposed to my current fiance I would have asked my the Leatherman MUT to marry me.  You name it, this thing has it: Super-sharp-ass knife (a technical term), firearm disassembly, C4 punch, brass scraper, screwdrivers, cutting hook, wire cutters, saw, hammer. Just watch the video and tell me you aren't drooling.

1 comment:

  1. Living in the army without a multitool is just asking for trouble. Pretty often I'd need one to make a calibration on my rifle or something similar. This Leatherman is pretty much pure sex.
