Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Basic Engineering Tool: Numbers

Physically, a number is establishes a relationship to the physical world.  By itself, a number is pointless. Think about it, a number is nothing more than a symbol, or a representation of something else.  A number is only relative to what it is defined to be.  In our world, a system of numbers is used to define a specific physical system.  For instance, the size of an object can be described by anything we want to relate it to.  I could describe the size of my desk as an arm deep by a leg tall by a leg wide.  Mathematics allows us define an effective system of universal numbers (representors of the physical world) and methods to relate each number to each other.

-Addition can be view as a method to build a system of more than one number

-Multiplication can be viewed as method of building a system defined by at least two instantaneously constant numbers, or constructing a set of equivalent numbers a constant number of times

-Integration can be thought of as an multiplication on steroids; a way to build a system of numbers that allows us to combine changing numbers at a changing number of times.

The point: addition, multiplication, and integration allow us to build sets of numbers.

-Subtraction can be viewed as a way to deconstruct a system of numbers (although this does not explain negative numbers, negative numbers are essentially only relative to the system they are placed into aka defining position, velocity, money.  Negative numbers cannot describe a physical quantity since mass cannot be created or destroyed.  essentially, negative numbers can only be used to define direction)

-Division can be viewed as a way to disassemble a system of numbers into at least two instantaneously constant numbers, or deconstructing a system of numbers into a set of equivalent numbers previously constructed by a constant number of times.

-Differentiation is division on steroids; a way to disassemble a system into two of its constructing number components

The second point: subtraction, multiplication, and integration allows us to take apart sets of numbers.

A quote by Albert Einstein: "As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." (from Wikipedia)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Fundamentals of Legos

Since this blog is titled "Legos Make the World Go Round" and my focus is simple engineering tools, I suppose I could give a little blurb on the actual Legos themselves.  The good news a lengthy Lego Wiki exists so I won't have to go to far incase I need to know how many people Lego employs.

The basic lego ia constructed of simple ABS plastic and can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors.

And yes, there is their madness.  In case you were wondering, their is such a thing as a 'fundamental lego unit'.  The fundamental lego unit (FLU) is defined as the width of one brick.  In standard measurement units, 1 FLU = 5/16in = 8mm.  The picture below (stolen from Building LEGO Structures) best illustrates lego dimensioning.

Some of you may think this is a little over kill, and you are right.  But this information is actually important to people using Legos as a design tool.  Dimensioning is key when building Lego structures, such as robots.  Lego robots usually contain a motor (if they plan on going anywhere) that requires proper restraining to prevent the thing from falling apart when you turn it on.  The FLU becomes essential when planning out gear ratios (don't worry, gears will be discussed at a later time).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Reading Rejection... I Mean Reading Reflection, That's Right Reflection

First off, I would like to make it clear there is a SIGNIFICANT difference between scientists and engineers.  Scientists discover, engineers build.  Scientists seek knowledge of the world and its properties; engineers apply the knowledge discovered from science and put it to practical use.  So technically speaking, engineers are the receivers of science so there is no need for us learn to communicate our findings since there are none.

As far as the reading goes, I agree with the effectiveness of an informal dialogue, as in the professional panels hosted by the Dana Centre.  However, in today's collegiate world, there is not near enough time for students to engage in panel style lectures.  There is not enough time in a semester for a panel to both follow a curriculum and address the requirements of the course.  The deficit model, or death by powerpoint is an effective system when lecturites (people who are lectured to) are allowed to ask questions and engage in the presented topics, a system present at many colleges.

Legos as Engineering Tools

Here are a few Lego designs used as engineering models in a few of my projects / classes.  The first lego model below is a robot used in Robotics class.  Using a ridiculous serious of wires and converters, code (written in Interactive C) is downloaded to a microprocessor in the circuit board mounted onto a Lego model tracks.  The tracks are driven by gear-motors controlled by the circuit board.  As of right now, the robot can only go forward then turn right (I'm that good).

This is a model of a piping diagram used in a vapor saturation system I design for a research laboratory.  Beat that SolidWorks.

This last Lego design is gear system used to incrementally bend a planar surface with respect to its naturally bending properties, a design we may use in our senior design project.

Framing: aka Let's Jack with People's Heads

Framing is specifically relative to a person's character and life experience.  It's like saying, the glass is half empty or the glass is half full.  The pessimist supposedly views the glass as half empty while the optimist views the glass as half full.  The pessimist is obviously having a few troubles in life or has previous experiences which cause that person to think the glass is half empty.  The optimistic person is the opposite, viewing the situation as a good think, appreciating the value of what remains.  The point is framing is relative to a person's individual views and how they interpret it.  Of course none of this really matters because as an engineer the glass is obvious built too big for its contents.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Teacher Made Me Do It

Self Evaluation
Let's make myself look good here, I have posted every homework on time and posted on everybody's blog at least twice.  What's that you say? Almost all my blogs are dated Wednesday, February 9th and you dont have any comments on your blog. You caught me, you caught the 'tator.  The real deal is the teacher said the blogs don't have to be completed until the first evaluation period so pretty much everyone in the class is waiting until the last minute to finish their blogs.  Little does the class know the teacher has already deleted the previous homework assignments so now nobody knows what to write about.

Since I am supposed to judge myself, I would say my posts are good quality and have addressed each homework assignment.  They could use a few more multimedia links but let's face it, I dont even use a facebook account let alone browse YouTube for videos.  I thought YouTube was spelled 'utube' until google told me I was stupid and said "Did you mean YouTube?".  I have posted a few comments on classmate's blogs, but I could probably post a few more to be above average involvement.

What is the purpose of this blog?
As on my blog: The grand plan is to discuss engineering methods, tools, and ideas used in the real world today.  We will soon come to realize it is the simple tools, such as legos, that provide the greatest influence and practicality.  The whole point of this blog is to impart a solution to the reader when addressing real world engineering problems.

Who is the imagined audience(s) of this blog?
I don't feel I have a set audience for blog. The audience for this blog will be more or less people who find my writings style awkwardly interesting and people who get a kick out of the jacked up things I may say.  I like to take a smart-ass approach to certain things; some people find it offensive, some people find it hilarious. On another note, I will post articles taking more of a "How-To" approach since I have personally taken a lot from that community without return.

Have my posts matched up with my purpose/audience?  What/who might I be overlooking in defining my purpose/audience this way?
Hard to say since I have really only posted one item and I didn't really finish it. The one post was a build up to an idea I didn't get to but eventually will.

What can I do to encourage more reader participation with my blog?
I feel the blog title I have and the topics I use have a solid attraction to them.  Heck I barely wrote two paragraphs and I received four comments totaling more than I wrote to begin with.  I suppose I could suggest provocative ideas that would stimulate reader involvement.

How can I expand my audience in this class?  Outside of this class?
This question seems very similar to the last one. But I suppose I could enable Google search on my site (currently I have this disabled).  Since this class requires us to comment on other classmate's blogs I think members will eventually stumble upon my blog and some may find it interesting.  I think my "How-To" parts will interest outside users, since internet is crawling with 'users'.

How would I characterize / characterize the tone of my blog?
The tone of my blog is probably sarcastic yet informative.  I like to educate people and provide entertainment at the same time.

What do I hope to get out of writing this blog?
A good grade. Oh, wait... I mean the self satisfaction of effectively communicating scientific ideas to the public with the knowledge their complete understanding of the ideas. But seriously, I just hope to have a good time and hopefully polish my writing skills geared towards the organization and publication of ideas and hopefully I can help some dude in the process.

What would I like others to get out of it?
Since I would like to simplify ideas and create how-tos, I suppose I would hope others would get new ideas and methods out of my blog.

What are the strengths of my blog/my blogging?
The strengths of my blog will probably be the skill-knowledge I can provide as well as the entertainment of my particular writing style.

What are the weaknesses?
Weaknesses will most likely be the length of material in posts and keeping the blog itself up to date; too busy to breathe here.

Have I used a deficit model in my writing, or something else?  How would I know?
I'm sure I have used the deficit model before.  In some way, shape, or form everyone will us it or some form of it.  The deficit model is and always will be required, again in some way, shape, or form.  Don't prejudge me for stating that I promise I will make it a blog title and elaborate.

How have I characterized (implicitly or explicitly) science, engineering, and/or technology in my blog? 
Since my blog is still young, I can only say will characterized science, engineering, and technology as a tool set to solving problems in the real world.

How have I characterized myself?
I will most likely characterize myself as the teacher you can stand to be around. No pun intended.